Monday – November 24, 2014
Yuma Proving Ground
Yuma, Arizona
The U.S. Army Yuma Proving Ground is located within five miles of our
campsite at the Imperial Dam, BLM, LTVA. Near the entrance to the Yuma Proving
Ground there is an exhibit area that is open to the public. The exhibit area has
several types of tanks, artillery guns and rockets that were used in WW II, the
Korean War and the Vietnam War. There are information displays that provide some
history about the Yuma Proving Ground. The following information is provided
from these information displays.

A brief history of the Yuma Proving Ground…
Camp Laguna was the first of the Arizona camps established as the Desert
Training Center of World War II, and became the California – Arizona Maneuver
Area. With the campaign in North Africa all but over, the training focus shifted
to preparing Corps – sized units for future battles by immersing them into a
simulated theater of war. From March 1943 to March 1944, Camp Laguna would be
the temporary home to the 8th, 79th, and the 80th
Infantry Divisions, as those units participated in the rigorous training
afforded in the Desert Southwest.

1946 saw many studies conducted to review the lessons learned from the
Nation’s wartime experience. Operations during the war were thoroughly reviewed
to determine what had worked well, and what had not worked. Important material
developments and the establishment of standards were crucial elements to the
U.S. war-time success. It was noted that testing in the natural environmental
settings of the desert and the arctic had been of great benefit, and had helped
to reduce development time. The Korean War once again indicated the need for our
Army to be ready to fight our Nation’s battles anywhere in the world. The
answers to related to questions of material readiness would best be derived from
Test and Evaluation. The Army reactivated the former Yuma Test Branch in April
1951 as the "Yuma Test Station," a Research, Development, Test and Evaluation (RDT&E)
Testing in the natural environments requires a "laboratory in the field." An
accelerated program of organization, preparation and construction was initiated
to permit immediate use of the test facilities. These facilities would be used
to conduct tests in an environmental situation approximating conditions of
actual use under controls comparable to those governing good laboratory

The Ordnance Test Activity was the largest and most active of the test
activities, while testers from the Corps of Engineers, Quartermaster, Signal,
Chemical, Medical and Transportation Corps, were also frequent tenants. Test
facilities would include firing ranges, mobility courses, supporting
laboratories, arms and ammunition labs (as well as manufacturing facilities),
maintenance facilities, machine shops, etc., in order to support full-scale
climatic testing as envisioned by the Army.
Following the scientific method, Yuma Test Station would provide complete
information regarding the stresses and deficiencies that develop only under
conditions of actual use.
During the administration of John F. Kennedy, then Secretary of Defense
Robert McNamara initiated a complete review of the Department of Defense with an
eye towards gaining greater efficiencies. As a result of this review process, in
1963 the Yuma Test Station was re-designated as the Yuma Proving Ground. It is
now known as U.S. Army Proving Ground.
The new designation came with increased missions and greater focus. Seen as a
great place to test all year round, the core competencies of the Proving Ground
were used as a baseline of capabilities as core missions were further developed.
YPG remained as the premier test facility for investigations into the effects of
the desert climatic environment. In addition, the testing of tube-launched
projectiles was the perfect mission for extensive, fully instrumented test
firing ranges. Yuma’s great weather made this the ideal test location for air
delivery means. The varied terrain and harsh environmental conditions continue
to tax to the limits of endurance (and beyond) of combat and automotive systems.
As the Yuma Proving Ground matured, aviation systems found the perfect test
site on the ranges here. Tests of Surveillance Drones (today’s Unmanned Aerial
Vehicles or UAV’s) and aircraft armament systems are put through the ringer.
Proof of concept testing, developmental testing and acceptance proof testing
of production items continues apace at Yuma Proving Ground. The varied terrain
here and the wonderful climatic conditions makes this site a training location
of choice for many within the Department of Defense.

Rapid development of items needed by the Department of Defense to fight
current wars is but one of the reasons YPG is recognized as an award winning
Test facility within the Department of Defense Major Range and Test Facility
Base. On any given day, there may be over one-hundred tests being conducted on
the various test ranges, test courses and laboratory facilities. YPG conducts
tests for friendly nations to the U.S., as well as all branches of the U.S.
military services.
Tomorrow another adventure begins.
Exhibit Area Photos